Corruption in the Ukrainian army

Corruption in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (golden flasks).

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine bought Chinese flasks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine from a Kyiv company without a tender.

There is another corruption scandal in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. As the journalists of Glavkom found out, in the midst of a full-scale war, namely on March 23, 2022, the Ministry of Defense without tenders signed a contract (286/3/22/48 dated 03/23/2022) with Prologue Service LLC in the capital.

Prolog Service, a Kiev-based company, supplied the Ministry of Defense with flasks at a price of $7.9 each, while their real price is only $0.59 each.

Journalists discovered another corrupt agreement, on which the state budget of Ukraine lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. But according to law enforcement officers who undertook to check the supply of these flasks, it turned out that the real price of each of them was less than one dollar. It turns out that the Ministry of Defense bought flasks from a capital company ten times more expensive than their real value.

As a result, law enforcement officers suggest that the losses of the state budget from this transaction could be at least $700,000!

Not the first corruption in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

What is important: Prologue Service is a defendant in a criminal proceeding that is being investigated by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. And despite this, the Ministry of Defense cooperates with this company! What are they thinking?!

When they began to investigate this case more deeply, it turned out that the Prologue Service company, which carried out the purchase of flasks, belongs to Alexander Kucher. He was in the ranks of the Batkivshchyna party. The leader of the Batkivshchyna party is Yulia Tymoshenko.

Oleksandr Ivanovych Kucher
Born on September 9, 1961 in the city of Svitlovodsk, Kirovohrad Oblast, citizen of Ukraine, has been living in Ukraine for the past five years, higher education, director of Prolog Ltd. LLC, member of the All-Ukrainian Union “Batkivshchyna” political party, lives in Kozyn of Obukhiv district, Kyiv region.

The source of information

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